Monday, July 18, 2011

Emerging Technology 2:

Emerging Technology 2: 
Storybird is a website where you can use the sites pictures to create your own story that you can publish and print out once you’ve finished your work.  If you don’t have a lot of time all at once it allows you to save it and add to it later as many times as you want until it is finished.  It allows you to create your own stories using their picture bank or write your own story using their pictures to go along with your story. 
I began creating a storybird book, but have not totally finished it yet.  I am creating an alphabet book that I could use with my kindergarteners as we are learning our alphabet.  I titled the story the Alphabet of a Kindergartener since my students would be creating the book.  I attached the pages that I have started.

In the classroom I want to utilize this website as much as possible, instead of using paper and pencil to color mix it up every once in a while and allow them to create their own book on the computer! This website uses very basic skills that kindergarteners can handle, and doesn't have anything inappropriate on their site for them to see. To introduce this site/resource to my students I will take them to the computer lab and pull my computer up so they can see what I am doing, and they will pick the pictures we use and come up with the story line as we go.  I will show them how to drag and drop the pictures into the story, and give them a tutorial as we create our first story together as a class.


  1. I love this idea! I think it's great for students that might not be the best drawers. I can think of several students that would get so frustrated over the illustrations. Students can focus more on the content of the story instead of stressing over the illustrations!

  2. This is so cute! I have never heard of StoryBird! I am excited to try this in my own classroom! And I agree with Amy that now students can concentrate on writing and not illustrating. Thank you for sharing this!
